On-line LibraryOur goal is to provide to both the public and professionals an extensive on-line library of books, articles, and other resources. Listed below is a collection of references sorted by the author's last name. This list is as of December 13, 2007. Use the searchable database to find other articles. If what you need isn't here, or if you'd like to recommend that something be added, please contact us at . Link to searchable database of reference material. Thank you very much to Ms. Tayyaba Sharif for generously donating her time and skills to create this searchable database. __________________________________________________________ Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, (2005). Guidelines for Parenting Coordination. May 2005. (link to copy of this document) Appell, J. (2004). Parenting coordination policies: A sample agreement & release. Family Mediation Quarterly, Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation, 3(1), 22-24. (link to online copy of this journal issue) Baris, M. A., Coates, C. A., Duvall, B. B., Garrity, C. B., Johnson, E. T., LaCrosse, E. R. (2001). Working with high-conflict families of divorce: A guide for professionals. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. (link to cover, Contents, and Preface) Bartlett, B. A. (2004). Parenting coordination: A new tool for assisting high-conflict families, The Oklahoma Bar Journal, February (link to online copy of article) Bartlett, B. A. (2005). Summary of the states with parenting coordination programs. AFCC Institute 4, The parenting coordination program: The missing piece of the family court puzzle. May 18, 2005. (link to a copy of the article) Boyan, S.M. & Termini, A. M. (2004). The psychotherapist as parent coordinator in high-conflict divorce: Strategies and techniques. Binghampton, NY: Haworth Press. (link to Haworth Press' Product Details) Darnall, D. (1998). Divorce casualties: Protecting your children from parental alienation. Dallas, TX: Taylor. Fagerstrom, K., Kalish, M., Nurse, A. R., Ross, N. J., Thompson, P., Wilde, D. A., Wolfrum, T. W. (1997). Divorce: A problem to be solved, not a battle to be fought. Brookwood. Farrell, W. (2001). Father and child reunion: How to bring the dads we need to the children we love. New York, NY: Penguin Putnam. Foote, Hon. W. R. (2003). Collaborative divorce. National Association of State Judicial Educators. Summer. (link to online copy of article) Fyfe, B. J. (2002). The unfinished promise of parenting coordination. Viewpoint - A Quarterly Newsletter, Summer, Combine Counselling Center (link to online copy of this newsletter issue) Gamache, S. (date not specified). Collaborative separation and divorce. (link to online copy of article) Gardner, R. A. (1989). Family evaluation in child custody mediation, arbitration, and litigation. Cresskill, New Jersey: Creative Therapeutics, Inc. Gardner, R. A. (1998a). The parental alienation syndrome: A guide for mental health and legal professionals (Second Edition). Cresskill, New Jersey: Creative Therapeutics, Inc.. Gardner, Richard A. (1998b). "The parental alienation syndrome: What is it and what data support it?": Comment. Child Maltreatment: Journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. 3(4), 309-312. Gardner, Richard A. (1998c) Recommendations for dealing with parents who induce a parental alienation syndrome in their children. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage. 28(3-4), 1-23. Gardner, Richard A. (1999a). Differentiating between parental alienation syndrome and bona fide abuse-neglect. American Journal of Family Therapy. 27(2), 97-107. Gardner, Richard A. (1999b). Family therapy of the moderate type of parental alienation syndrome. American Journal of Family Therapy. 27(3), 195-212. Garrity, C. B. & Baris, M. A. (1994). Caught in the middle: Protecting the children of high-conflict divorce. New York, NY: Lexington Books. (link to cover, Contents, and Introduction) Government of Alberta, (Family Law Practice Note 7) Government of Alberta, Fekete Public Fatality Inquiry Government of Canada, Divorce Act Government of Florida (2004). Proposed parenting coordination statute, dated January 15, 2004. Government of Florida (2005). Report of the parenting coordination workgroup: Model parenting coordination administration order. Government of Florida (2004). Senate Bill 2640 - 2004, parent coordination bill. Government of Idaho, parenting coordination statute. Government of Massachusetts, Senate, No. 952, An Act Relative to the Appointment of Parenting Coordinators in the Probate Courts Government of Minnesota, 518.1751 Parenting time dispute resolution Government of Oklahoma, Parenting Coordinator Act (enacted June 2001) Government of Oregon, ORS 107.425, (amendments came into effect on January 1, 2002) Government of Saskatchewan, (1998) Promoting resiliency in children and families: Identifying priorities. Link to document Government of Texas, bill 79R624 KKA-F, parent coordination bill. Johnston, J. R. & Campbell L. E. G. (1988). Impasses of divorce: The dynamics and resolution of family conflict. New York, NY: Free Press. (link to Contents and Foreword) Johnston, J. R. & Roseby, V. (1997). In the name of the child: A developmental approach to understanding and helping children of conflicted and violent divorce. New York, NY: Free Press. (link to cover, Contents, and Preface) Mauzerall, H., Young, P., & Alsaker-Burke, D. (1997). Protecting the children of high conflict divorce. Idaho Law Review. 33(2), 291-332. McDaniel, S., Hepworth, J., & Doherty, W. (1992) Medical Family Therapy. New York, NY: Basic Books. Pollock, L. J. (1987, June 15). Matrimonial preemptive litigation. Legal Education Society of Alberta Conference: Family Law - The Only Game in Town, 65-112. Raffel, L. (1999). Should I stay or go?: How controlled separation (CS) can save your marriage. Chicago, Il: Contemporary Books. (link to cover, Contents, and Preface) Ross, J. & Corcoran, J. (1996). Joint custody with a jerk: Raising a child with an uncooperative ex. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press. (link to cover, Contents, and excerpts) Ross, N. J. (1997). Divorce: Does it have to be destructive? The Woman's Voice Magazine, December 96/January 97. (link to online copy of this article) Rotman, A. (2004). Parenting coordination: Facts & pending legislation. Family Mediation Quarterly, Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation, 3(1), 17-22. (link to online copy of this journal issue) Smith Bailey, D. (2005a). A niche that puts children first. Monitor on Psychology, 36(1), 46-48. (link to online copy of this article) Smith Bailey, D. (2005b). Pilot parenting coordination project takes off. Monitor on Psychology, 36(1), 47. (link to online copy of this article) Smith Bailey, D. (2005c). Parenting coordination basics. Monitor on Psychology, 36(1), 48. (link to online copy of this article) Sullivan, M. J. (1998). The role of the special master. Family Advocate, 21(1), 41-44. Sydlik, B. (2001). Parenting coordinator: Overview of the model & implementation issues. AFCC Newsletter, fall, 3-4. Sydlik, B., Coates, C.A., Jones, Hon. W., Bushard, P., Deutsch, R., Hicks, Hon. B., Stahl, P., Sullivan, M.J., Wistner, R. (2003). Parenting coordination: Implementation issues. AFCC Task Force Report, April 30, 2003. (link to document) Sydlik, B., Coates, C.A., Deutsch, R., Stames, H., & Sullivan, M.J. (2003). Parenting coordination for high-conflict families. Family Court Review, 42(X), 1-17. Thompson, P. (1997). Divorce the collaborative way. The Woman's Voice Magazine, February/March. (link to online copy of this article) Villalobos & Lynn, (2004) CS/SB 2640 - Parenting coordination program. Legislation of interest to the legal profession, Florida Bar Association Warshak, Richard A. (2001). Divorce poison: Protecting the parent-child bond from a vindictive ex. New York, NY: HarperCollins. (indirect link to description and contents) (Scroll down the page that comes up and click on "DESCRIPTION and CONTENTS of", to the right of the front cover image.) Wiener-Davis, M. (1993). Divorce busting: A step-by-step approach to making your marriage loving again. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. Wiener-Davis, M. (2001). The Divorce Remedy: The Proven 7-Step Program for Saving Your Marriage. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. Wilson, E. (2000). Abstract: Parallel parenting stops the bleeding. Parenting Made Easier, Co-parenting. (link to document note, there is a pop up box that you have to cancel in order to gain access to the document) Youngs, B., Goetz, M. (2006). Getting back together: How to reconcile with your partner - and make it last. Avon, MA: Adams Media.